Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Here you see this draconian with a eye slit and a fork tongue.
 This white long tooth is said to be either a fang or some type of holographic antenna!

In Pictures: Child Labour In India

Welcome to the NWO. We support child labor, and now so do you!
 The link above is now being redirected to some gambling article.
Im now substituting it with the link below.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The NSA Uses Radio Waves to Monitor 100,000 Computers Without Internet

Surely by disconnecting your PC from the Internet and bashing your cable modem with a hammer you’ll be safe from the prying eyes of the National Security Agency (NSA), right? Wrong. Like a bad sci-fi movie that keeps unveiling unlikely technologies, it’s now being reported that the NSA has 
 been using radio waves to tap into offline PCs since at least 2008.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Coraline - Scary Illuminati Occult Film For Kids

Here we have a popular kids film by the name of Coraline by Focus Features. In this film with the right perspective you will see this story is very similar to the NWO micro chipping program being waged against the people. The main character is introduced to a "new world" yet there is a catch. In order to stay in this new world the main character must choose to replace her eyes with buttons, which can resemble a micro chip implant. Convincing the youth that taking the mark of the beast is as easy as sowing a button.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Seattle 'Food Forest' To Offer Pick-Your-Own Produce In Urban Environment

Here is a reference guild to building your own "Forest Garden"

Shocking Video Of Kelly Thomas Beating To Death By Police Officers WARNING: Contains Violence

A slow yet well mannered homeless man is confronted by police and asked to stand up to be searched. The homeless man does not snap to the officers request and is met with a savage beating which leaves this caucasian male dead.
"a 2005 suprime court desision declaired that it is not the duty of any police force in the US to protect citizens, just "ENFORCE LAWS"!

A crowd of more than 100 people shouted slogans like, “No justice, no peace” and “it’s not over yet.”
“They know that justice has not been served,” said Kelly’s mother, Cathy Thomas, of the protesters.
“We need to keep on this and not let it die,” Ron Thomas told the Register. “I guarantee you that somewhere in this nation, right now, someone is getting beat up by a police officer.”

Fmr. Fullerton Cops Manuel Ramos & Jay Cicinelli Acquitted of Brutally Beating Homeless Man Kelly Thomas to Death

UFO Passes Near Air Force Squadron in Chile

UFO Planet is a internet show with Darin Crapo out of Canada that review's UFO videos on the net. This episode contains a good number of different UFO from all around the globe. Darin add's in this episode that just cause a UFO is unidentified does not mean its alien. 
Have a look and see what you think of the UFO Planet Show. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mexican Citizens Topple Cartels And Are Rewarded With Government Retaliation

 A militia group in Mexico defeats a drug cartel responsible for kidnapping people, killing any one in their way and soliciting drugs and sex to the youth. Only to find out the Cartel was run by the government!

The people of Michoacan, fed up with the fear and subjugation of the cartels and the inaction of the government, have taken a page from the American Revolution, organizing citizen militias that have now driven cartels from the region almost entirely. These militias have decided to no longer rely upon government intervention and have taken independent action outside of the forced authoritarian structure.

Avril Lavigne - Here's to Never Growing Up (Hidden Occultism)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop (Subliminal Messages)

check out these drug pushing lyrics today's kids are being trained with. To buy from the NWO Legal Drug peddlers! Selling Lust to the children.


 There are many curse words out in the world. I came across one that i think is interesting. You never hear this word in the streets, yet it is said in elite circles. This word is aimed at the general public who shops at the grocery stores and eats fast food. The word is targeted towards the population who serve under blind obedience to the devil. The foolish public who choose to look away and stand down.
Useless Eater's, a group who choose to do nothing more then eat.

You know when they are agents when they bash you for liking alex jones then when you expose alex jones for being a reptilian they will call you crazy for that. never really taking a side.

 "Incrementalism" is a main tool of theirs. 

Incrementalism: is a method of working by adding to a project using many small (often unplanned), incremental changes instead of a few (extensively planned) large jumps.

 All illustration photos are done by
Check out Dees amazing Site!

The Sun is Not What we We Have Been Told.... Eric Dollard reveals 3 secr...

The Sun is Not What we We Have Been Told.... Eric Dollard reveals 3 secrets about the Sun
Here is another link to a forum that is talking about the subject.
Eric Dollard has done over 4 years of research on the Sun at Sonoma State University before his lab was taken from him. Here he reveals astonishing truths about the sun never before heard in such frank and straight speak.


Monday, January 20, 2014

NATGRID to use Big Data & analytics to track suspects

 Government's ambitious counter terrorism programme, NATGRID, will utilise technologies like Big Data and analytics to study and analyse the huge amounts of data from various intelligence and enforcement agencies to help track suspects and prevent such attacks.


 Showing her gang sign/keeping her hand from loosing its holographic shape.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Will You Swallow Google's Edible Microchip DARPA. DO NOT DO THIS.

DHS-FEMA Lesbian Director Responsible for Sandy Hook Children Subjected to Mental Cruelty

Are brainless chickens the solution to animal cruelty

Are we a few decades away from our own Brainless chicken matrix?

A thought-provoking new model suggests the best way to avoid hurting chickens is to take away their ability to feel.

Cramped cages. Extreme temperatures. Filthy surroundings. No doubt about it: Our industrial food system treats animal welfare as an afterthought. As a commentary on today's “modern” farming, a London architecture student has created a thought-provoking design for a chicken farm that strips the birds of their mobility—and their brains.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


UPDATE ON NSA WATER SHUT OFF - US senators propose bill to shut off NSA’s water supply in California

German Sell Outs pT. 1 ANGELA MERKEL cabalistic witch

Here we have the Bride of Lucifer Angela Merkel.
The globes top spin doctor flashing her gang signs!

Thieft 101

I would like to share with you something. some times on the blog hard hitting videos will be removed with out my consent. Recently i posted a video on a police Humvee.  The video was removed from my blog but not removed from the internet cause the video was hosted by a police station.

After i posted the video i came back a hour or so later and the video was removed. I decided to put the video back up.
Here is another police car with the symbol of the reptilian queen

This is a screen shot from the film escape plan (2013) where actor Sylvester Stallone 
Draws the symbol on the wall with a burned bible page!
His name is "Ray" in the film.

The next day i had to attend a public meeting, when i was in this meeting a odd gentlemen sat next to me that had never been to the meetings. This person seems to be moving very odd and i would like to say they may even stuck their tongue out a few times. I paid lil mind to it and went about my day. The next day i attended another meeting and the same person showed up half way through the meeting and chose to sit right net to me again in a room full of seats. This person did not seem interested in the speakers but was in a communication with some one on their phone. This person sat there after the texting for a minute or two and then received a text, read the text then left before the meeting was over.

I suspected this person to be a embed or CIA agent. I paid lil mind to it. After the meeting i came home and was very tired due to odd sleeping habits. I layed down to nap and was awoke by a couple who sounded very aggressive. A family member answered the door and the couple proceeded to explain that they had found the wallet of this family member. They said they lived two buildings away from us and they found the wallet scattered on the side of their building.

This couple looked extremely odd for the neighborhood i live in. I would go as far as to say they looked like nortic people but were a bit aggressive as a reptilian. I tried to get a look at the couple who claimed to be married. They were both very pale white and had both bleach blond hair.
Another thing that was very very odd was the woman was carrying a baby. Yet the baby didn't make any noise or movements.

The family member that was speaking to the couple mentioned that the lady was holding the baby and smoking a cigaret with her free hand and that they shared the cigaret back and forth as if the baby wasn't there. When offered the idea that the baby could of been a doll she said the baby never blinked or moved or made a sound.

After the couple left we approached the manager about the situation. He said he found stuff from the wallet scattered around the parking lot and in the bush's in the back of the building. He also said he had not noticed the screen window having a huge bend in it the previous days so it could of been possible that the thief could of  stuck something into the window and grabbed the wallet.
(If not they must have used their claw)

Yet where the room in positioned you would have to either be monitoring the house to know when she was not in the room to go into the window. The window is far away from the street so it would not make sense that some one happens to notice it on the bed. You would have to be standing in front of the window the whole time to know she was not in the room and in the rest room. It would make more sense if some one knew the habits of this person and timed the event.

I assume they watched me leave for the meeting, sent someone into monitor me and make sure i was not in the house while they made the move. then after the mission was a success they messaged the agent at the meeting with me that they had the object and after he received the text he left the meeting.

Nothing was really lost during this operation, yet it seems like a form of gang stalking. We have lived in the building for years on years and have never had such a problem until now.

They could of been any agency for all i know, yet what shows that they are professionals is they pulled this off while the family member was in the restroom and the wallet was on their bed.  I cant see a regular citizen monitoring a isolated window, know when i was out the house and when the person was out of the room! Then steal a wallet from the window toss some of the content in the back parking lot, then walk two buildings down the street to dump more of the wallets contents.
Then decide coincidentally to go through the car of the couple that brought the wallet back.

Why would they come to this apartment isolated window pick a hard target. Feel comfortable enough to rifle through the contents discard some of it in a bush to be found. Then walk two buildings down to discarded more content. Then decide to go into another random car that happens to be the persons who found the wallet.
For me this just stacks up to many odds against a normal robber.

Monday, January 13, 2014

New Vehicle Joins Wellesley Police Fleet

If you check out the decals on the side of this vehicle you will see the symbol of the reptilian queen with a 3 finger claw scratch mark down the side.

Here is the symbol build right into the window seal of a land rover! Could this be
why this car is linked to elitist?

For me this says we serve the reptilian agenda not the people! Some will make the claim that this is just digital design technique.

 Here we have the symbol flaring across the front of a tampon box!
To let the woman know who is in charge here...

Yet i refuse to believe a police car, a tampon, the Panama water canal and a African election are using this same hand book for graphic design.

 Here we have the 100th birthday of the "Panama Canal" Hey lets toss the fashionable "s" in this and invite Robert de Niro! Note: he has the star version of the "s" on the left shoulder.

Also i know some one who works in graphic design and he has mention somethings cant be left on the cutting room floor like "pyramids".

N.O.R.E. on the Illuminati in Hip-Hop

North Korean Documentary - North Korean Cannibals? BBC Reveals How Famil...

Alta extrañeza - Los mejores avistamientos Ovni del 2013

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Barbara Walter's interview of the ( Reptilian) Ramseys

Beyonce. Baby & Beyond documentary. Disgusting Reptilian

Showgirls. Elizabeth Berkley. Reptilians having sex.

THE REPTILIAN HOSTS. what is living in their mouths?

Sweeney Todd. Helen Bonham-Carter and Johnny Depp. Reptilians w/ snakes

The long kiss goodnight. Samuel L. Jackson Reptilian with Host

MIB 2. Will Smith. Reptilian Shapeshifter w/ many faces

Here we gave a great video from our guest blogger from you tube "rebecca1972able"!
This is an amazing analysis of the Hollywood film "Men in Black 2". This video displays many screen shots of these actors showing odd skin morphing.
Rebbecca says "I saw so many changes with will smith it was ridiculous hands, face, ears..snakes hanging from his face and demonic distortions.. disgusting. but if you think about it the movie is telling you about the reptilians.. the Host, the snakes, and other clues. it is a fact.".

Fallen.Denzel Washington & others. Reptilian shapeshifters w/Hosts

Reptilian in-utero (fetus)

MTV EMA's FU*K you Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, the Killers Reptilians w/ Hosts

the net. Sandra Bullock DISGUSTING Reptilian w/ Host & snakes

Video by: rebecca1972able

Transformers. Shia La Beouf and Megan Fox Reptilians w/ Host and morphs

Rush Hour 2. Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker Reptilian shapeshifters

Ghostrider. Nicholas Cage & Eva Mendes Reptilian and other oddities.

AMA's part 1 J.T., Nelly, Kendrick Lamar, Imagine Dragons Reptilians

Enchanted. Amy adams. Disgusting Reptilian w/ Host and snakes

AMA's part 2. Rhianna, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus Reptilian shapeshifters

Duck Dynasty, all of them are Filthy Reptilians

Ghostbusters. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigorney Weaver Reptilian Shapeshifters

 Check out Rebecca1972able's channel on you tube. She will be Posting on Cover Upz Blog so get ready for some cool videos!

Resident Evil. Mila Jovovitch, Michelle Rodriguez Disgusting Reptillians

 Check out Rebecca1972able's channel on you tube. She will be Posting on Cover Upz Blog so get ready for some cool videos!

Toy Story 2-Illuminati/Luciferian and Occult Masonic symbolism

Thursday, January 9, 2014


3 Months shy of our first year on the web and we are at 50,000. I figured it may take this much time to reach 50,000. This year we have loaded tons of crazy videos on Cover Upz Blog. There are so many i cant even start with favorites. Do you have a favorite cover upz blog video?

One thing i have noticed on cover upz as of recent is some people are trying relentlessly to flag videos on you tube in order to have them removed. Another thing that has happened that is very odd is some video will be removed from my blog claiming the owner has removed the video or the video flat out doesn't exists. Yet when i do a search on Google you will see the video still up. So it seems as if some one is trying not to get attention to these videos through cover upz. Now i assume it could be the video owners them self's yet this isn't true in all case's.

There are some videos that are so hard hitting to the establishment that they are wiped off you tube and Google all together. A lot of us who watch these videos have found this to be a stone wall approach to silence the opposition to the draconian complex.

I have to say its funny, a lot establishment tools have been trying to talk me out of the blog, yet when i sit back and look at the blog i see it growing so fast. It seems they could be worried about the effects cover upz blog has on the popular public opinion.

I have seen a few storys we have cracked open that have had the reptilians spokesmen addressing these issues we have brought up. Also i have noticed what cover upz is talking about is also effecting the way people are seeing some of their celebrity's.  For me it seemed like the biggest case in this was the miley cyrus video we had.

Before we addressed this video on the blog the youth were in a highly sexual state. So much of the establishment music had them becoming very promiscuous. Yet after we posted the story it cought on like wild fire and so many of the youth had their eyes opened and saw that they were being prostituted by illuminati tools. After this a huge back fire on the singer by the people was witnessed. It was so bad that the singer had to come on jokingly and address the question. And what became even more wild was that she came on jokingly and admitted she was a draconian!

 (note this video link bellow was deleted, had to replace it)
Also this video has been cut there was two segments about this on the show.
This is the most impotent part but there is another part to this skit

If you watch the SNL Miley video and have and know what to look for you can see signs of her shifting as well as the other guy. At the end of the video you will see she shows her right hand like a claw. Many people dont know about this so its ignored. Yet there are many videos out exposing this.
Personally its obvious, Miley even does the reptilian alliance hand sign but its cropped out of the scene
I would like to think cover upz blog took out a lot of the steam that train was working with.

What do these 3 have in common?

Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker Back