Wednesday, July 8, 2020

This Chinese Man Claims to Have Had Sex With an Alien

Alien-human sex is not something that’s a common topic of conversation. This is likely for a number of reasons: For one, it’s a bit strange, and two, there is no concrete evidence aliens have visited our planet – let alone get intimate with our species. Even Hollywood has largely ignored the concept, with only a handful of films exploring the idea, the most notable of which is a passing comment in District 9 about Nigerian prostitutes selling sex to the film’s alien refugees.

While the notion of interplanetary love may seem like something that is strictly bound to the realm of science fiction, it does (allegedly) have a precedent on our green and blue galactic home. This month’s Tales from the Chinese Crypt will recount the story of Meng Zhaoguo – a man from Wuchang, near Harbin in Heilongjiang province, who claims to have engaged sexually with an extraterrestrial. 

The tale starts in June 7, 1994 when Zhaoguo was working at a logging camp and spotted lights and metallic flashes from nearby Mount Phoenix. When our humble protagonist went to investigate what he assumed was a downed helicopter, he was hit in the head by an unknown entity or force  – knocking him out instantly.

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