Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Scientists Reawaken 41,000 years old Ancient Worms Frozen under Arctic Ice

A team of microbiologists melted some Siberian permafrost ice in search of microbes, the ancient worms wriggled out.

– Two ancient worms  were found in ancient Pleistocene Age Ice in Siberia.

– The nematodes reawaken in a Petri dish in the laboratory.

A small number of nematodes roughly half-millimetre long roundworms came back to life as the ancient ice surrounding them melted. The odds of survival shows that life could survive extreme climatic conditions even on other planets.

Ancient Worms Awaken

Micro biologist Tatiana Vishnivetskaya from the University of Tennessee thinks the worms could survive for even longer. The worms discovered are about 41,000 years old. She suggests that the worms could have survived for an indefinite period as long as the ice remained stable.

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