Tuesday, December 28, 2021

UK forced vaccinations bill



Power to remove you from your home and your family and forcibly vaccinated.

Freeman, [7 Feb 2021 at 02:00:49]:
Coronavirus Bill: emergency Covid-19 legislation - House of Lords Library
The bill proposes new laws that would provide the Government, and various public bodies, with powers to manage the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK.

Ravi Freeman, [7 Feb 2021 at 02:00:49]:
The U.K. govt new bill is terrifying - lawfully dissenting is our reproach under common law...

Coming into law-UK

Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122)

The emergency Coronavirus Bill will be rushed through as LAW

Today sees the 2nd reading, if passed it will immediately proceed to 3rd and on. And contains the most draconian powers ever proposed in peace-time Britain.
This WILL BE rushed through Parliament and the powers will last two years

New powers WILL affect OUR freedom and take away OUR rights - And this is how the main body, potentially translates as...

* Forced detention and isolation can be of anyone, including children, and for any amount of time.
KIDNAPPING with no accountability

* Authorities can FORCIBLY take biological samples from your body.
Human rights rights REMOVED

* There’s no clear access to legal rights from as-yet unidentified isolation facilities.
Financial crisis or remedies DENIED

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