Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Whistleblower Leaks Docs Showing Facebook Manipulated Rittenhouse Narrative 


A Facebook insider has blown the whistle on his employers by leaking internal documents showing the company manipulated the narrative surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse's case.

In August 2020, then-17-year-old Rittenhouse was arrested on phony "murder" charges over a self-defense shooting that he was finally acquitted for last week.

Since his arrest and throughout his trial this month, the media and public figures, including Democrat Joe Biden, have falsely tried to frame Rittenhouse as a "white supremacist" who acted out of "racism" when he shot three white men in self-defense.

The campaign of misinformation created a false narrative against Rittenhouse that gained widespread public support.

However, it now appears as though Facebook also played a role - by wiping any positive mention of the teenager from the company’s social media platforms.

This censorship effort suppressed the sharing of any evidence that proved his innocence, of which there was an abundance, and even included banning links to Rittenhouse’s legal fund.

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