Monday, November 29, 2021

Epstein's Vast Network of Financiers and Politicians


Summarizing the relationships held by Jefferey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell is a troublesome undertaking. It seems far too bizarre a situation for most to ponder. Perhaps that's why assessment of the situation is often relegated to a "wildly irrational conspiracy theory" by those that are unfamiliar with the horrific details of this child sex trafficking operation; traversing the worlds of high finance, elite science, covert intelligence, and international politics.

When looking deeper; the specific network held by both Epstein and Maxwell is nothing short of globally impressive and significantly influential. It is important to stay mindful of the history sowed by the Maxwell family; alongside their billionaire media empire. The leverage gained through access to, and subsequent blackmail of, highly influential individuals provided Ghislaine, Jeffrey and conspirators with the tools to enable the abuse and trafficking of minors on an international scale.

As shown by a now deleted biography web page made by the Edge Foundation: Epstein is a former member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member. How did this person from Long Island access and develop such worldly, powerful relationships? How did he amass such wealth? How did he maintain these relationships; especially after becoming a convicted sex offender in 2008? Examining his extended network may provide further context.

We must first understand the specific relationships that enabled Maxwell and Epstein (alongside individuals who ignored the pair's troubled pasts for financial gain); exploring this far-reaching network helps to illustrate how this operation perpetrated atrocities with legal impunity.

It may be a surprise to some; but the name Jeffrey Epstein is well known throughout "power broker" circles. It would be accurate to describe him as a friend of royalty, and Wall Street mainstay (even more so it seems, after serving time for child sex crimes and registering as a sex offender in 2008).

It's important to preface; these relationships have been organized to demonstrate the capacity in which Epstein and Ghislaine interacted with the individual. Efforts have been made to present all relevant information with respect to the level of implication/incrimination; it's understood that certain relationships of Epstein's and Maxwell's may have been business-like in nature. However, there are several individuals that are directly implicated, (after Epstein's 2008 conviction) and at best neglectful of the serious illegal activities undertaken by Epstein and Maxwell.

It is simply impossible to capture the broad scope of this complex network without meticulous deliberation. Think of this as a central depository of information that can be used to demonstrate the far-reaching access and influence of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. An introductory piece, that acts as a bird’s eye view of the network in question.

This will be three-part article. This article will focus on the financer and political connections Epstein and Maxwell had. The second part of the article will focus on the influence the duo had within the International and Public Policy circles. The final article will focus on celebrity connections.

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on this three-part article.

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