Thursday, May 14, 2020

Bill Gates Worked To End Livestock Production, Pushed Lab Grown Meat

Bill Gates and food giant Tyson heavily backed lab grown meat research.

As the United States faces unprecedented meat shortages due to processing plants going offline in response to the coronavirus, a long-standing globalist agenda to halt meat consumption is being fulfilled.

Tyson foods recently warned that the food supply chain is “breaking.”

Lockdowns have created a situation in which farmers have nowhere to send their product, and in turn millions of animals are being slaughtered. Additionally, vegetables that would normally end up on store shelves are rotting in the field.

Despite this reality, Twitter has announced that talk of food shortages will be censored.

Lab grown meat producers are hoping that the COVID-19 outbreak could boost public acceptance.

As Bill Gates was working to establish a worldwide digital ID system prior to the pandemic, he was also working to end meat production and funding lab grown “meat.”

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