Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2

Mind Control: Phones are changing your behavior. 
If a frequency of 24hz can do this to water, image what all these cell phone towers and other devices like wifi routers are doing to our Brains, Blood, DNA, Nervous System, Organs, etc... 
5G is a known military grade technology with many applications on doing alot of damage and is known as a weapons class technology. Do some research and you will see why this is dangerous. Coupled with micro chipping this will allow a remote user to tune your behavior like a robot. Add a ai system and its all automated. This is a huge attack on human kind and the mass majority is being lead to believe its all just to load images faster.

Operating under a certain frequency in America is illegal and allowed in the military. There is a whole underground spectrum that is prohibited for public use. Many people are unaware of this.

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