Sunday, April 28, 2019

Reptilians ShapeShifters in The Thing


Frequency Fence is the first channel that exposed reptilians in hollywood for me. Their first channel had so much information it was mind blowing. After this i found more and more small time channels exposing reptilians. I began posting alot of these videos in my blog and in time was able to even spot reptilian eye slits on my own. i have seen them on live tv and also in person. this may be why i dont like staring people in the eye.

I found after a while of the small wave of shape shifter videos a new wake of disinformation of videos that were intentionally fake in order to discredit the movement. I also noticed you tube making moves to prevent channels from communicating with each other. Currently i am seeing youtube taking a move to prevent information from spreading by controlling the suggested videos. 

when i play a video like this instead of getting videos that are among the same topic i get videos that i have seen once before. this prevents small time channels from ever spreading as well as information. 
Here is a screen shot of the suggestions of this video for me on youtube. 

These are videos that i have watched before but are no where even near the topic. 

for me this is an intentional move to prevent information from spreading. when i see moves like this being made for me it shows they fear the people from knowing. if they are trying to cover things like this and other conspiracy's up then their must be something to hide. 

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