Thursday, November 18, 2021

FDA Inadvertently Cites Studies Showing Ivermectin Works, Pandemic Was Created

In an indication that the FDA has perpetrated fraud upon the American public, the FDA’s own website which says that Ivermectin is not “effective against COVID” links to science studies which say exactly the opposite.

Although the links for the individual studies go only to the study protocols, the studies may be researched by title and the full studies found.

 The studies range in date from mid-2020 into mid-2021, as the FDA and Dr. Fauci maintain their hard positions against using Ivermectin in any way for COVID. Meanwhile, thousands of mostly elderly have died for lack of treatment.  Although overwhelming science has been cataloged which shows Ivermectin reduces COVID mortality by as much as 80% and more, no US or any other media outlet has bothered to mention that many of the studies are pinned to the FDA’s own webpage. Instead, the media picks up on the false implication, made recently that Ivermectin is only for livestock. 



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